Globe Watch Foundation

The Watch Dog for Global Sustainability

  • Sustainable Human Rights Education/Protection (Our Rights Is Our Commonwealth).
  • Social Inclusion: Respect Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (Justice for All).
  • Climate Justice and Environmental Protection (Strengthening Inclusive Adaptation, Mitigation and Resiliency Mechanisms).

we have trained 2,500 Youths, women and minorities in the defense and protection of civic spaces and human rights and freedoms, conducted community education social inclusion programs across 33 communities and built-in a sustainable Network system to communicate and avert the dangerous rupturing effects of Climate Change

Join Us to Support a Sustainable Future

Support our cause for a healthier planet. Explore our initiatives and ways to combat climate change and protect the environment.




Humanitarian Outreach




Community outreach

Promoting sustainable human rights, social Inclusion, gender equality and Climate justice/environmental protection

Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Lukong usheno kiven

Secretary General

Ms. Shang Nafisatou lemnyuy

Chief Finance Officer

Mr. Musa  Mobarack Mainuy

Research Officer

Mr . Ebot nelson Bessong

Communication officer

Mr. Otis chila

Climate & global sustainability Officer

Mr. chila loius kile

Public Relations Officer

Mr. Zang Philip KUM

Programme manager

Mr. Dominic Ngei

Women empowerment and gender equality officer

Mme. Kidze Marie Therese Kernyuy

Human resources officer

Mme  Ngem Syndi  Aziseh

Human rights and social inclusion officer

Mme. Kongnso Zafinatu Mainimo

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